Call us: 01782 825 585


+44 (0)116 356 0301

The Company is committed to protecting your privacy and complying with the General Data Protection Regulations.

Data provided by a company/individual is stored securely and is used to enable us in providing services as a construction company. The Company will not make data available to third parties for commercial or marketing purposes, we do not sell, trade, or otherwise personally identifiable information.

All information will be retained for 7 years following the most recent transaction.

General Data Stored

  • Company Name
  • Address – where invoice and other correspondence is sent.
  • Registration Details – VAT numbers.
  • Contact details- telephone / email addresses.
  • The merchant copy receipt from a card transaction. We are industry PCI DSS validated.

Use of Your Information

Your information will be used for the following purposes.

  • To provide information requested by you from us with reference to our products and            services.
  • As dictated by contractual commitments.
  • Emailing of invoices, statements, and all necessary correspondence to ensure our contractual commitments are met.
  • To enable card payment. Card payment merchant receipts ’are stored in a locked draw, once a transaction is complete the merchant copy receipt is shredded.

Should you have any queries about how we use your personal, please contact us on the following,

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Or write to us at:
Nixon Concrete Services Ltd
Willowbrook House
Chemical Lane
Stoke on Trent